The first press release was distributed in 1906, following a three-car train crash that killed more than 50 people in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Following backlash about the accident, Ivy Lee, the “founder of modern public relations,” deployed the first press release to provide clarity and facts to the public and quash unfounded speculation. 

More than 100 years later, public relations professionals still use press releases to distribute facts to the media. But we know that to be successful in PR efforts, we must constantly evolve and adjust according to the state of the media. Public relations strategies have evolved to cater to digital trends, diminishing media outlets and editorial calendars, and overall changing views of the media itself. 

If you’re working on a cannabis PR strategy, you may wonder if the press release is still relevant or if other, more impactful strategies have deemed the press release dead. The short answer: The press release is alive and well. 

Here’s why:

Journalists want press releases

As PR professionals, our job is to build meaningful relationships with the media to secure coverage for clients. The best way to accomplish this is by giving journalists what they want from the start to make their jobs easier. 

According to Cision’s 2024 State of the Media Report, nearly three-quarters of all surveyed journalists reported wanting to receive press releases from publicists to inform their news coverage. News reports and press releases take the lead for the kind of content journalists want to receive from public relations professionals, followed by original research reports and exclusives for stories. 

While 74% of journalists reported wanting to receive press releases, far fewer journalists reported wanting to receive offers for interviews with industry experts. Only 44% of journalists reported that they want to receive offers for interviews with experts, highlighting the importance of the press release for public relations efforts. 

Superior source for story leads 

Journalists want to report on the news. Press releases are used for news announcements. When done right, deploying a press release creates a win-win situation for publicists and journalists. 

While pitching interesting story ideas and interview topics to journalists can be useful in certain circumstances, it’s not always an effective way to garner interest for a future story. Journalists are inundated with pitches every day, and while some offers to interview industry leaders may result in future coverage, these often get pushed to the side in favor of more relevant, timely news. 

Reporters can read through press releases and decide for themselves what is newsworthy and relevant for their audience. 

Staying ahead of the narrative

Press releases keep the message clear, concise, and on target. 

Another benefit of utilizing press releases is the ability to control the narrative. Press releases contain all the important facts reporters need without any filler information or fluff. By providing reporters with just the facts needed to accurately report on a story, public relations professionals can keep the narrative clear, factual, and in the best interest of their clients.

Effective SEO tool 

Posting SEO-friendly press releases can be an effective tactic in any SEO strategy. 

Press releases provide an unmatched opportunity for companies to boost their SEO efforts. Even if other reporters don’t pick up the story, brands can still post their press releases on their own websites to distribute the news and improve SEO. 

Public record for future reference 

Since press releases are an effective way of controlling the narrative and getting just the facts out, they also serve as a useful way to preserve company milestones and successes. 

When reporters want to cover a brand’s story, they often start with general research on the company. Regularly distributed press releases can work to build a long-term narrative and inform reporters about the company’s evolution over the years. 

The press release remains an effective PR tool 

Whether you’re working on a cannabis public relations strategy or doing PR for any other subject, one thing is clear: the press release remains an effective PR tool. 

When it comes to public relations strategies for cannabis businesses, press releases should never be overlooked. In a highly regulated, highly censored environment, press releases provide a great opportunity for cannabis companies to own, control, and distribute news and updates to the media. 

Want to step up your cannabis PR efforts? Contact us today.

Published On: August 22nd, 2024 / Categories: Blog /